©2022 The Hair Fairy Project, Inc.

It's easier than you think!

You don't have to sew or have any special talents to make a quilt square, and we will help.

To make your own square, take a 9" Square piece of any kind of fabric except silky material. Leave a 1/2" blank border along each edge (to allow your square to be sewn on to others). This leaves you an 8" square block to decorate with any theme or material that you want.
Quilt Template img

Katie's square was painted with permanent acrylic paint on muslin. The apples, outline of tree, lettering and other details are done in "puffy" pain.

Even very young children can produce their own beautiful square for the quilt!

Justin's square was made with a stencil and permanent acrylic paint. The letters are done in "puffy" paint.

Shawn's square was designed on a computer and printed on iron-on transfer paper. Anyone with access to a computer and a scanner can digitally design!


  • Use only permanent markers & inks.
  • Try "puffy" fabric paints to add color!
  • Digitally Design: you can scan in pictures and design on your computer, then print on transfer paper, iron and you're done!

*Information taken from quilt brochure by Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation of Puget Sound.