I wanted to let you know that even though it is written for children with cancer, it really was helpful for me when I talked to Jake [my son] about my cancer. We went through the book, and I used it to help explain what was, and would be, going on with me. It is written in a way that it made things much less scarier for him, and at least at that time, I had not found anything else that did that. I also remember when we called the Comedycures laughline. We listened and laughed and laughed! I just wanted to say thank you for making things easier for us, for me, during that time.
Diane Hon
H if for Hair Fairy is a humerous and creative approach to a delicate topic. This book uses an alphabetic approach to teaching about things related to cancer. The Fairies appear throughout the book, giving tidbits of fun, things to try, and positive support. It is approriate for any age, any person facing cancer. I have not seen many books that can educate about cancer, that still leave you feeling good in the end. I highly reccommend this book!
C. Boyd, Oregon
My 4 year old niece was diagnosed with leukemia in December and my sister in law was having a hard time tryng to find an age appropriate way to explain to her that she was sick and would be losing her hair. This book opened a door of communication that allowed my niece basic understanding of the journey ahead. It also helped my sister in law to have one less stressful thing to worry about. We are so thankful for this book.
Kimber, Chicago, IL
Ms. Martin
Just a note to let you know just how much I have enjoyed your book, H is for Hair Fairy! I have to smile as I read the cover ....for Kids and Kids at Heart with Cancer....I am a middle-aged cancer patient who is currently beating great odds and fighting hard. I am an English teacher and love to read! I am continuing to pursue my Master's Degree and for my Literature class, I have to pinpoint a subculture and idenitfy statistics, background, and books available, etc. I have decided to present Children with Cancer as my topic of choice. This book would be perfect for my presentation! I simply fell into this book, and the terminology is awesome and authentic. I feel that I can do my part in spreading the word that while cancer is a scary disease, there is hope and inspiration. Thanks again!
Sue Hagedorn
Dear Mrs. Martin,
I just finished your book "H is for Hair Fairy."
Someone gave me a copy to give to one of our
students, Kaitlin, age 7, grade 1. Kaitlin is on
her third bout of cancer. She had a kidney
removed a year and a half ago. She had
24 tumors on her lungs last May, came back
to school in January and in February had 6
tumors on the lungs again. She's in D.C. right
now and they are trying something else. I will
give her this book when she returns. I know she
will enjoy it.
It is a wonderful book. It includes everything
that a sick child needs to know. I am only sorry
that your knowledge comes from first hand experience.
The fruits of your own and your family's suffering have
helped many, I am sure. One of the many things I like
about God is that God is always able to draw some
good from the worst situation.
Thank you for sharing yourself. I wish you and your
family God's very best.
Dear Mrs. Boomhower,
Your illustrations are wonderful. They
bring to life the content of the book in such
an amazing way. I'm sure all the children
who read the book smile at every page.
God bless you for what you have done.
In Christ,
Sr. Monica Paul, O.P.
Incarnation Catholic School
I am a pediatric oncology nurse at a clinic in Pennsylvania. I have recently
been adding to our loan library for patients and families and found your book
on Amazon, so I ordered it and received it today. I can't wait to share it
with our kids!! I just needed to write you and tell you how much I LOVE it!!!!
As I was reading the book, I quickly thought to myself this is so realistic to
the intimate world of childhood cancer, only someone who has experienced it
could capture it the way you did. And as I read further, I realized you had.
What a wonderful book, with so many insights for those just beginning this
journey, and what an even more important gift, for them to realize they are
not alone.
Thanks again, for creating such a wonderful and valuable resource for kids and
their families!!
I have a story for you today.....I shared your book with one of our teenagers
today, she is 16 with a brain tumor, and last weekend began to lose her hair.
She was able to tell me how hard it was for her, but she did not want to talk
about it. Today she read your book aloud, and by the time she was done, we
were both in tears. What a wonderful moment that was for me as her nurse, and
as I looked over I saw her mom, grandmom, and grandpop beaming with tears
running down their face, but most of all for "B", who was able to let go some
of those feelings that were locked up. Please know, how ever many miles we
are from each other, YOU have made a difference in our clinic today, and for
that I thank you.
Karen, RN, CPON
Pediatric Specialists of the Lehigh Valley
Division of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
"Laura sent me your book H is for Hair Fairy because I just recently
got diagnosed with a brain tumor and am now going through chemo and radiation.....
I guess I am the young at heart. I am keeping a good positive and spiritual attitude.
I absolutely loved the message in your book. Laura has been a lifelong friend and sister.
I care about her very much."
"I would like to send 2 copies of your book to [a friend in Arizona]. She will
enjoy the book and will be giving one to a preschool that she used to teach at
for those families in need."
--Thank you, Darla Curl
"I received the book day before yesterday. I have looked it over several
times, and find it delightful, informative and full of hope.
I LOVE IT! It is very professionally presented, and I am going to push
it with everyone I know. Wend's illustrations are colorful, charming
and very applicable to each subject of each letter. I LOVE THEM,
"My 1st cousin is fighting a very rare bone cancer... I truly believe,
that even though he is an adult, that he would really love this book."
--Ruth McKnight
"I have been working with people experiencing all types of hair loss
(mostly chemo related) for the past 21 years... I think there
are a lot of people out there young and old hairy or hairless that
will enjoy your book."
--Chris Lilley, stylist specializing in hair replacement
"We really think that this is a wonderful project and we have already
been talking about it to friends and family. Cancer has touched many
families including my own (my sister is a survivor) and your efforts
are greatly appreciated. Thank you again for including Glue Dots!"
--Jenny Mueller, CSR for Glue Dots International
"I just saw and read "H is for Hair Fairy" and wanted to tell you
what an outstanding loving, and caring contribution you have made!
It as a very spiritual message - finding the wonder in every day and
using as many smiles as possible along the way."
"I think this is one more way to make kids feel special in a good way
- that they matter and contribute, no matter what is happening to, or
around them. The 'Songs of Love' project has been hugely successful -
a very special and loving touch for the kids."
"I just can't thank you enough for sharing your love, energy, time,
talent and spirituality with us and so many."
--Dr. Wagner, Oncologist, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
"Just got done reading your delightful book with my 7 year old daughter who
has recently relapsed with ALL in her central nervous system. We have been in
the hospital (Childrens Memorial -Chicago). She loved the book and related to
it much. We both laughed at the Hair Fairys. I picked up your book at clinic
the other day and when sharing it with some nurses and residents just now they
wondered where they could get more... Thank you for writing such a great book."
--Lisa D.
"I was so excited when Kim brought me this work of love for children!
Bibliotherapy is so important, as it brings information to the readers
whenever and wherever they open the pages."
"I have worked with children and families for years, and have been
frustrated by the lack of resources to help them cope with cancer. A book
that speaks to kids, written in a lighthearted yet understandable fashion is now
"It is my hope that parents will read this with their children. For
those kids and parents who feel so alone in their experiences, they will
find comfort and an ability to relate to the information contained in this
book. It can be such a wonderful tool to help both professional and
non-professionals to explore the children's feelings and experiences of
being a cancer patient."
--Nancy J. Motter, RN, MSN, CS, Clinical Child Specialist
"I was so glad to finally get a copy of your book! It is very powerful.
I loved how you used all your children's names in the illustrations somewhere.
It was fun for me to find them."
"I read it to my class this morning and was moved to tears. We talked about
how good can come of even tragic events in our lives, and how wonderful it
was for you to write a book to help children with cancer because of Nolan's
and Andrea's battles."
"Thank you for blessing the world with your gift of writing."
--Mrs. Crawford, 5th grade teacher